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In Norway, quick clay is formed in areas where clay deposits occur in saline marine environments. The quick clay and other forms of sensitive clay form above the sea . 2 level because of post-glacial uplift process. The flow of groundwater progressively washes out the electrically charged particles from the sediment pore water.

"The area has been surveyed  Quick clay is a special type of glaciomarine clay that poses a significant land slide hazard in the northern hemisphere's high latitudes. Norway, Sweden, Finland  highly sensitive clay slides) are the major interest in this thesis work. Highly sensitive clays, also known as quick clays, are found in Norway, Sweden and some  In Norway, quick-clay deposits occasionally. En Norvege, des d6pBts d'argiles mouvantes cause large landslips, or rather, landslides. This causent de temps en   Jan 5, 2021 The exact cause of the landslide isn't yet known, but the area has a lot of quick clay, which can rapidly change from solid to liquid form when it  Abstract Quick clay has been involved in most serious, large clay slides in Sweden, Norway, and Canada.

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However, experts say the Gjerdrum area has suffered quick clay landslides before, but not on this scale. The quick clay ground under the affected area of Ask is known to be at high-risk of landslides. Quick clay landslides are of two main types – stepwise and uninterrupted. In stepwise landslides, sufficient failed material liquefies that the debris from each step flows away from the slide scarp, leaving an unsupported unstable slope that, in turn, fails and flows away. 2020-12-31 · Quick Clay Landslide in Norway Injures One — Posted on 31 December 2020 by Don Warrington A landslide struck the village of Gjerdrum, which is about 25km (15 miles) north-east of the Norwegian capital, Oslo.

Alta: a truly remarkable video of a quick clay landslide in Norway One of the top ten landslide videos of all time was captured yesterday at Kråknes in Alta, in the north of Norway. This video shows what is almost certain to be a quick clay landslide. It occurred in the morning of Wednesday 3 June 2020; the video has been posted to Youtube.

Quick clay landslides are of two main types – stepwise and uninterrupted. In stepwise landslides, sufficient failed material liquefies that the debris from each step flows away from the slide scarp, leaving an unsupported unstable slope that, in turn, fails and flows away. Get this from a library!

On the 29th of April 1978, a quick clay landslide devastated large areas of the rural district of Rissa I mid-Norway. One person died whilst 13 farms; 2 home.

Quick clay norway

Identification and mapping of quick clays are essential endeavours because  On the 29th of April 1978, a quick clay landslide devastated large areas of the rural district of Rissa I mid-Norway. One person died whilst 13 farms; 2 home. Quick clay—A case study of chemical perspective in Southwest Sweden involved in most of the large and serious clay slides in Sweden, Norway and Canada.

Quick clay norway

The collapse of the quick clay Quick clay slides in Norway Quick clay slides are typical in Norway and Sweden. An overloading of the quick clay makes the clay to loose all strength and resistance, and it flows like a liquid. Below is a short description of the most well known and documented large quick clay slides in Norway (the list is not complete). Quick clay, also known as Leda clay and Champlain Sea clay in Canada, is any of several distinctively sensitive glaciomarine clays found in Canada, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Finland, the United States and other locations around the world. Quick clay (and other types of sensitive clay) is formed in Norway in areas where clay was deposited in a saline marine environment, and subsequently lifted near or above sea level due to post-glacial uplift. Groundwater flow has gradually washed out the electrically charged particles from the sediment pore water. Quick clays are glaciomarine deposits that are mostly found in the Northern Hemisphere including many parts of Norway.
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Quick clay norway

About 5,000 square miles of the country are overlain with deposits of this treacherous  Quick clay is a known hazard in formerly-glaciated coastal areas in e.g., Norway, Sweden and Canada. In this paper, we review the physical properties of quick  Laboratory studies carried out in the 1960s and 1970s on Norwegian quick clays showed that  av M Persson · 2014 · Citerat av 4 — (Manuscript) Comparison and classification of quick-clay settings in Sweden, Norway and Canada. Date of Defence: 2014-06-04.

beskrivning av projektets utformning och använda metoder finns tillgänglig i rapporten Predictive modeling of quick-clay distribution in SW Sweden.
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The first quick-clay hazard mapping started in the beginning of 1980, in the southeast and middle parts of Norway, initiated by the big quick-clay landslide in Rissa, Norway, in 1978. Today, there are nearly 2000 mapped quick-clay hazard zones in Norway, and the mapping is still ongoing. Gregersen O (1981) The quick clay landslide in Rissa, Norway.

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Delineation of a quick clay zone at Smørgrav, Norway, with electromagnetic methods under geotechnical constraints. T Kalscheuer, M Bastani, S Donohue, 

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One person died whilst 13  Its properties are similar to other quick clays in the area and are consistent with well know correlations for Norwegian clays.